Adult Industry to Honor Our Fallen Angels on the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers

Posted 2018/12/2113540

Join us to celebrate the Performers we’ve lost this year on December 17, the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers. We would like to welcome industry members to a private event to mix, mingle, and honor sex workers as we continue to fight for justice, equal rights, and visibility. This event is for industry members and their guests only.

This last year has been one of the most difficult for the performers in the adult industry. With so many young lives lost to suicide, addiction, and poor healthcare, we have watched our community grow closer as we heal. As we honor those we’ve lost, we can work together through our pain to build a stronger support system, offer strength to our cries for justice, and unite in our goals of solidarity. As Fosta and Sesta cause an eruption of sex worker discrimination, there has never been a more important time to stand together.

Developed by Dr. Annie Sprinkle and Sex Worker Outreach Program (SWOP) founder Robyn Few as an effort to put a global spotlight on violence against sex workers, the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers began in 2003. For fifteen years, the day has been celebrated with marches, vigils, and memorials. We are thankful to SWOP for their support and sponsorship of this event.

December 17, 8pm in Hollywood, California. To RSVP and receive the address for the event, email [email protected] You do not need to be a member of APAG to attend. All industry members are welcome to attend, along with their guests!

Adult Industry to Honor Our Fallen Angels on the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers