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Sherlock Bones

British agent My Bones is dead in the Adler Sex Club and Sherlock Bones is called to investigate. Inspector Lestrade witnesses unusual methods of Sherlock, as he insists on creating the moments before death and begins with the sex of a prostitute. Sherock and Hoston track the owner of Club * Irene Adler but are attacked by thugs. Shrlock is knocked unconscious and Hoston Lidia with ALER * but slowly Lust gets the better of them.Episode 1: British Agent Mycock Bones is found dead in Adler’s Sex Club and Sherlock Bones is called in to investigate. Inspector Lestrade witnesses Sherlock’s unusual methods as he insists on recreating the moments before the death and starts having sex ith a prostituteEpisode 2: Sherock and Hoston track down the club’s owner* Irene Adler but are attacked by thugs. Shrlock is knocked unconscious and Hoston grapples with Aler* but slowly lust gets the better of them.Episode 3: With the case seemingy closed* Sherlock can’t shake the fact that Moriarty must be behind it somehow. He needs to enter his mind palace by clearing his thoughts and calls housekeeper* Mrs Hudson in to sort him out.Episode 4: With Sherlock kidnapped by Ninjas he finally meets his nemesis* Moriarty who explains his ridiculous plan for world domination. Ridiculed by Sherlock* Morarty retreats to his private HQ and watches his two most sexually depraved ninjas get it on.Episode 5: Hotson comes to resuce Sherlock* fighting her way through hordes of ninjas. Morar may be defeated but a certain mind bending secret is revealed that makes Hotson very horny indeed. El agente británico My Bones está muerto en el Club de sexo de Adler y Sherlock Bones está llamado a investigar. Inspector Lestrade testigos inusuales métodos de Sherlock, como él insiste en la creación de los momentos antes de la muerte y comienza con el sexo de una prostituta. Sherock y Hoston rastrean al dueño del Club * Irene Adler pero son atacados por matones. Shrlock es golpeado inconsciente y Hoston Lidia con ALER * pero lentamente Lust obtiene el mejor de ellos.

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